Winston-Salem State University (WSSU), a four-year college, is a historically black university (HBCU) located in Winston-Salem, NC. The college enrolls approximately 4,770 students.
WSSU Staff and Coaches
Dr. Terrance Martin, Project Director
Shareka Williams, Lead Coach Financial Pathways
Jaceda Cherry, Financial Pathways Coach
WSSU Success to Date
WSSU joined MSFCP in fall of 2023 and has reached their target of 60 participants. Dr. Martin is a full-time professor in the finance department and teaches a course in financial management. Dr. Martin expects to either infuse one-on-one coaching into his financial management course or develop a new three credit course as the project transitions to the new course-based model.
WSSU Innovative Practices
WSSU has been very active in promoting MSFCP across the campus in a variety of ways including in-classroom marketing, and through events hosted by student affairs, campus life, the student activity center, Greek life, the athletics department and career services. To bring MSFCP to the greater community and demonstrate the importance of financial wellness for WSSU students, the college has held utilized staff from Vanguard and local banks and credit unions as guest speakers.
To increase fundraising for MSFCP on campus, Dr. Martin and his team have worked with the college’s Advancement department to demonstrate to alumni the importance of educating students in financial wellness and the benefit of one-on-one coaching. In Spring 2023, the head of WSSU Advancement participated in the program as a student.