Renton Technical College staff with MSFCP staff

Renton Technical College (RTC) is a public community college based in Renton, WA. RTC is a leader in providing students with career training to enter high-demand fields that will afford them strong, family-sustaining wages. RTC engages a diverse population of ~8,000 students through educational opportunities for career readiness and advancement, serving the needs of individuals, the community, businesses, and industry.

MSFCP was launched at RTC in the fall of 2023 and is administered through Student Services and housed in the college’s Wellness Center.

RTC Staff
Nate Ezell, Student Resource Case Manager and Coach
Jean Munro, Workforce Service Delivery Coordinator and Coach
Miriam Chilton, Grant Manager

RTC Success to Date
With support from MSFCP, the RTC team developed a range of financial training modules that are available online for coaching participants. We have been providing individual coaching sessions and have worked with ~70 students so far to create financial goals to improve their financial health. RTC is proud to offer financial coaching that gives our students the skills they need to create and maintain a solid foundation that enables them to thrive.

RTC Innovative Practices
Our focus at RTC is making support for students as accessible and connected as possible.  By offering the flexibility of individual and group training sessions and enabling students to access sessions in-person or online, we make sure are providing the tools and information our students need in a way that is compatible with their busy schedules and demands on their time. 

Our financial coaches work alongside the student support team to direct students to available resources (e.g. food, housing) to reduce the burden of student debt and help them meet their goals.