Monroe Community College (MCC) is a public community college located in Rochester, N.Y. For the 2022-2023 academic year, MCC enrolled 8530 credit students and total enrollment of credit and non-credit students of over 23,600. MCC implemented MSFCP in the fall of 2023. The program is housed in the Financial Aid Department
MCC Staff and Coaches
Sylvia Mendez, Associate Director of Financial Aid
Matthew Lawson, Assistant Director of Admissions
David Wilkes, Coach
Priscilla Parker, Coach
MCC Success To Date
MCC has exceeded their first-year target of 60 with 90 students participating in MSFCP. Because nearly every student passes through the Financial Aid department (FA), FA has proven to be effective in both oversight and recruitment.
MCC Innovative Practices
The partnership between Financial Aid and Admissions has aided in the college’s success. MCC uses text messaging to broadcast announcements to over 7000 students on campus. They have used this to recruit students to MSFCP. In fact, students can respond to the text and register for MSFCP via the text.
MCC also implemented several other recruitment innovations including a ‘Game of Life’ event, workshops and tabling events throughout campus, ‘lunch and learn’ events, and announcements about MSFCP in their digital newsletter and flyers.
By far, the most innovative recruitment strategy has been infusing MSFCP into their “return to complete” efforts. This is a special outreach program for students who have college debt (owe tuition below a certain level). This initiative allows the students to return to their studies as long as they meet certain criteria. One such criteria is that they participate in MSFCP.