Monroe Community College

Pursuing a degree in Human Services, Millibel joined MSFCP with clear financial ambitions. Her short-term goals included developing disciplined saving habits, meticulous expense tracking, and setting specific financial targets. Long-term, she aimed to establish a fully funded emergency fund, accumulate a substantial down payment for a house, achieve financial autonomy, save for her children’s education, invest in retirement, and realize her dream of home ownership.
Upon completing the MSFCP, Millibel achieved significant milestones. She eliminated financial anxiety by increasing her savings. She improved her credit score and paid off all credit card debt. She established a fully funded 3-month emergency fund in a high yield savings account and savings earmarked for a future home. Through meticulous expense tracking, she managed to reduce her monthly expenses, significantly increasing her financial stability. The MSFCP empowered Millibel to set clear financial targets and take proactive control of her finances. Her journey with MSFCP parallels her financial empowerment, affirming her goals and confidence in achieving her dream of buying a house for her children.