The encrypted database, designed by Winmill Software, is a web-based, user-friendly platform. Coaches input key student data tracking progress towards program metrics and to track the student’s progress in reaching personal finance goals. Other key components of the personal financial profile include earnings and income, savings, debt, credit score, goals they want to achieve and investments. Coaches sign a FERPA form to maintain confidentiality.

The database is designed to meet two objectives. First, the database supports a rigorous program evaluation. Second, coaches can run reports to track each student’s progress as well as view data to determine how the college is doing towards meeting their required grant metrics.

Given the ambitious scope of this program, JPMorganChase committed to a rigorous evaluation of MSFCP to help guide further expansion of the initiative. On a yearly basis, the Evaluation Team, Charles Devarics and Dr. Mary Fowler, conducts a mixed-methods evaluation of the project with quantitative and qualitative components. The quantitative evaluation consists of a detailed analysis of program data, both in the aggregate and at the campus level, while the qualitative evaluation includes findings from site visits at each of the colleges. These visits included focus groups with students and interviews with coaches and campus administrators. This work follows the principles of participatory evaluation, an approach grounded in the belief that all key stakeholders in a project are active participants in implementing the evaluation.